Episode 052/053- Blue Man Group - Part 1&2
A conversation with Blue Man Group
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recorded August 23, 2018
published September 7,8, 2018
Listen to Part One:
Listen to Part Two:
Blue Man Group is a dynamic mix of art, music, comedy and technology. Founded in 1991, this pop culture phenomenon has been seen by over 35 million people all over the world.
Inspiring, brilliant and groundbreaking, the Blue Men - while not saying a word - celebrate life through connection, unique absurdity, visual art and of course, music.
In Part One we speak with Blue Man Mike Brown, and drummers Kyle Harris and Kevin Asmus before a performance at The Charles Playhouse.
We talk about rehearsing, auditioning and the evergreen magic that is Blue Man Group.
In Part Two we continue and add resident General Manager Jonathan Screnci to the conversation.
We come in just as Jonathan walked into the room to join us about an hour into our talk.