Episode 089 - Ryan Montbleau
A conversation with Ryan Montbleau
recorded March 26, 2018
published April 12, 2018
Listen here:
We first saw Ryan Montbleau back in 2012 in Boston on a Rock and Blues Cruise that featured the Ryan Montbleau Band. It was a full boat and was packed with Ryan Montbleau fans and the band totally rocked the house. Or rather the boat.
The singer-songwriter and bandleader has been a relentless road warrior. His last album called I Was Just Leaving is a bit more introspective than his previous but certainly shows off his songwriting chops. His most recent project is a duo with the wonderful Hayley Jane called Yes Darling.
Our occasional co-host Ike Walker joined us at our usual location in Concord, MA and we talked jury duty, moving, writing, dreams…uh…eggs…lots of stuff!