Episode 090 - Cambridge Latin HS
A conversation with Cambridge Latin HS
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recorded April 06, 2018
published April 19 2018
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What is the first song that comes right to your mind?
When you think of the world around us, or a social issue - why does this song resonate?
These are the kinds of questions we asked the students at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School as part of a music and society discussion.
While we always look try to raise these important questions during our conversations, we can’t take credit for this one... it was senior Natalia Ruiz who spotted an ATB sticker somewhere in Cambridge, looked us up and proposed a collaboration.
We were honored to ask questions, facilitate discussion with, and most importantly learn from these inspiring juniors and seniors about what music inspires them, why it moves them and what artists create the music and lyrics behind it all.
Along with the students we were joined by two staff at Cambridge Latin, a teacher and the assistant principal, who is - fittingly - an accomplished jazz saxophonist himself.
We talked the charisma of Kanye and the social responsibility of Kendrick and covered ground from hip hop to AC/DC to Eminem.