Episode 187 - Linnea Herzog
A conversation with Linnea Herzog
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recorded August 19, 2021
published September 9, 2021
Linnea Herzog is someone you don’t miss when you walk by her. Or see on stage. And I would surmise at her day job as a neuroscientist at The Broad Institute, you can’t miss her there either.
Musicians are smart. But some are smarter than others, especially when you get a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Brandeis University where Linnea studied how taste and spatial information are processed in the rodent hippocampus. Linnea is actually our second musician/scientist we’ve spoken to at The Broad Institute. A few years ago, we talked with Infectious Disease Expert, Professor at Harvard University, and musician Pardis Sabetti.
Anyways, Linnea is all punk and glam and a fearless rock star. Having got to the Rock and Roll Rumble finals in 2019 with her former band Powerslut, when the pandemic hit, she decided to go in a new direction with her new band Linnea’s Garden. Linnea is a do-it-yourselfer, and she certainly does it all.
Her debut EP, “Nowhere Friday Nights,” is out now on Red on Red Records and she is preparing to release a full length shortly.
I hoped to publish this episode before they played at The Sinclair in Cambridge, MA, but life got in the way a bit. So while I missed the opportunity to plug her Sinclair show, she already has several more lined up this fall. I was able to get a recording from the Sinclair show that you can hear at the end of this conversation, so make sure you stay for that!
Linnea was a great chat and I had a fantastic time talking to her.